Objcoder My rant on dev, tech, and startup scene

T&T: Improve react debug process

When I started using react/react-native i approach it from functional perspective, trying to make everything a function. This include when i try to render custom component. I will try to use functional stateless component (fsc).

const LoadingOverlay = (props)=>{

    return (
        <View>... and any other custom component here</View>

Recently I change this to use PureComponent. The main reason for me doing this is not performance but readability and debug. Whenever I try to debug the component using fsc i will have difficulties looking for that component within DOM. However by using React.createClass or extending React.Component / React.PureComponent you can easily find or filter the component based on its class name. This will help you to traverse DOM and debug your custom component.

class LoadingOverlay extends React.Component {
            <View>.... your content here</View>